A birthday pause for a life well lived

 3 years ago today, we let my brother ( #3 on his hockey team) go.Took him off of life support. Funny how a life that didn’t need to be supported, ends up there.... A place he never should have been. He was finally cancer free. Chemo. Check! Radiation. Check! The final step in the ever so draining and life sucking trial of cancer.  Surgery. A routine surgery went horribly wrong. We lost him and we should not have. Someone’s reckless, careless mistake left us suffering, broken, shattered and forever changed.

We walked out without him. With all of his “stuff”. Stuff that he would no longer wear, need or give a damn about. Useless reminders carried out in a wheelchair with nobody to fill them, but grief and despair.

Emptiness permeated the walls of the narrow hallways leading outside. Awake for 48 solid hours of a bad nightmare that was inescapable.

Today, However, I refuse to not celebrate both his life and my birth. I won’t let them take that from me too. 

So cheers #3 to your life so well loved. Cut way too short. 

The birthday pause. 
